Sunday, March 30, 2008

Week 6: Evaluation & Authentication

Lecture Summary:
This weeks lecture was based on Evaluation and Authentication of the WWW.

A quiz on True of False was completed.

I found these ideas were true;
1. Anyone can put up a Web page
2. Web pages can be about anything

3. There is no quality control
4. There are no selection guidelines for search engines

The false ideas were;

1. All web pages are kept up-to-date
2. Most sites are “peer-reviewed”
3. Website are as trustworthy as scholarly publications

Discussed, was what types of Web sites are actually useful for work at a University level. What to look for in the sites and site addresses to see if they would contain factual information and useful referencing. I was told about when and how the Internet first came about. It was first made by University students. We compared NineMSN to BBC and discovered NineMSN contains more celebrity news whilst BCC is more broad and more information can be found about other topics.

Tutorial Tasks: The tasks for this week week were to review the ICYouSee Critical Thinking page, look through the strategies for evaluating the information found in websites and in my own words briefly describe the strategies in the blog. Once completed, compare what i have written to "INCO 48" web page and "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" Complete the "Reliving the Sixties Web Site Evaluation Assignment" exercise on the ICYouSee website.

A review the ICYouSee Critical thinking page. These were my findings

1. Make sure you are in the right place: Check the dates and information on the site to see if it relevant.

2. Consider the Source: Check where the information came from, who wrote it and make sure the URL is correct for what you are looking for.

3. Understand what the site is about: Read through information and see if it is written for someone particularly like students, if it is out or your league when it comes to reading, find another site.

4. Check datails: Details such as images, spelling, grammar, set out can all indicate the site is not professional or there is a large chace the information is not up to university standards.

5. Distinguish Web Pages from pages found on the web.

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