Monday, March 10, 2008

Week 3: Online Libraries & Databases

Lecture Summary:

Today's lecture was focused on databases and online libraries.

A quiz was completed in pairs then discussed with everyone in the lecture.

We use online libraries because it is convenient. The currency is accurate, therefore journals are up to date and information is usefull to viewers. An eletronic format is used so, it is convenient and simple to re-do mistakes and edit, it simple to write clear, correctly formated notes, and lastly, 24/7 access is granted.

Online libraries such as, Online Text Repositories, Online Journals, Electronic Books, Musical and Artworks are all available as online libraries. This makes if simple to use and large amounts of information is available for students.

Clearly stated was the fact the we need to include references into all work we do as proof of research and factual information. AS many sites and sources of information are copyright i have to be careful to find information that i am allowed to use.

I learnt what a database was during this lecture, "An organised collection of information (data), characterised by the use of data fields, that provide procedural methods for retrieving information."

Some Databases include; People Searches, E-mail Directories, Genealogy Resources, Maps & Atlases, Government Information & Statistics, News & Media and Portals.

The same advantages of Online Libraries are the same advantages of Databases. They are extremely easy to use.

Therefore, the disadvantages are greater, many databases accessible by subscription only, lots of advertising, they can be difficult to navigate and information Overloads sometimes occur. Although there disadvantages are serious Databases remain very useful.

The lecture finished earlier than normal which was good because we were told useful information but it was said quickly and straight to the point.

Workshop Tasks:
This weeks task required us to transfer information we had been told during the lecture into my blog. I searched on the online Library and database for useful information relating to the given topics on the economic impact of global warming on business on and information on birth defects on I found a large amount of information no these topics when i got the hang of how too use the website.

10 useful functions or search tips from the ECU library site are;

1. Find databases by faculty, subject, title, MetaQuest, trial Database and journal references. This makes it simple to find out the information you are searching for because it gives you plenty of options in finding your requested information.

2.Websites are easily accessible on this site as you can search a topic by clicking the hyperlink for Websites, this takes you into a new page were topics are shown.

3. When you click on a type of research or information such as journal, website etc, the more detailed topics in that subject are shown in alphabetical order which makes it simple to read and find your requested information.

4. Titles are clear and information can be found simply by looking under the title you need such as learning assistance, find, information about, resources for, quick links and news update.

5. A referencing guide makes it simple to find out information on all different topics such as books, authors, audio etc.

6. Imformation about ECU Library can be seen, we can then see contacts, library service for teachers and students, general information andcorporate information. This allows us to know about the library itself.

7.You can ask the library questions to do with e-Web, e-Reference and e-Loans.

8. Quick catalogue search can be used to make it easy to find information on your chosen topic.

9.You can trial databases to see what one is best suitable for you so you can find out what you need easier than only having the choice of one resource.

10. Library workshops and tours can be seen and information on Universities such as Mt Lawley, Joondalup, Churchlands and Bunbry is viewable.

I have visited the website. I have taken up interest in birth defects caused by Drugs and Alcohol.

The first 3 months of the baby's growth inside the womb is the crucial time for the mother and baby's health to be perfect or close to perfect. During these 3 months is when the defect occurs. In the United States, 1 in 33 babies were born with a birth defect caused by the drug taking by the mother. One out of every 33 babies in the United States is born with a birth defect.

The body's appearance is effected by the birth defect. Problems such as cleft lip or neural tube defects can be easily seen. Doctors use special tests to find other conditions that can not be seen by the baby's appearance such as heart defects whether mild to severe. These problems occur by the mother consuming alcohol whilst the baby is growing and developing inside the mother. For example, alcohol abuse can cause fetal alcohol syndrome.

Although some defects can be fatal to the baby, some problems can be corrected or treated whilst the baby is in the womb by toady's doctors.

I think a student or someone interested in a certain topic would find this website just as useful as i found it. Its easy to use, presents clear information and uses english that teenagers and older would understand and clearly be able to follow.

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