Monday, March 3, 2008

Week 2: Office Applications

Lecture Summary:
Today's lecture was based on Office Applications. Microsoft applications, Vista, Internet Browsers and websites were all discussed during this lecture as a whole class.
Application's such as Word, Excel, Paint, PowerPoint, Publisher, Outlook, Internet explorer, Calculator, Encyclopedia and Games were all were all recognised as Microsoft Application's.

How to find Vista was discussed. We had to name the websites in which we had used within the last week that we had never used before, sites such as,,

Although i would have rather been out on a public holiday, the lecture wasn't as boring as i thought because is was more of a discussion and pretty casual as we could talk about what was information was being presented to us. I think this also makes it easier to learn and for information to stick in my head because being able to repeat it or say the answer out loud makes work stick in my head easier.

Workshop Tasks:
This weeks Workshop Task included completing a few basic activities on Microsoft Word 2007 and Microsoft Excel. By completing the Microsoft Word 2007 exercises i was able to fix how the paragraphs and titles were set out, edit spacing and colour of text, create a contents and i was able to set out references in the correct order alphabetically. Microsoft Excel exercises included creating a timetable. I looked through different functions on Excell and overall find it easier to use an now i have a clearer understanding of how it works. After completing these tasks i took screen shots of my word and uploaded them into my blog.

Personal Computing
In the past few years Personal Computers (PCs) have become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives. People use them for work and at home. In many cases they have become essential tools for business, personal productivity and leisure. For some people the PC has replaced the pen, typewriter, diary, notebook, radio, TV, CD player and telephone. For instance, I can talk to friends here and abroad using MSN Messenger, listen to an Internet radio station, download some electronic documentation from the ATO, transfer money between bank accounts and play a card game on the Internet against someone I have never met and don't know. It therefore makes sense that skills in using PCs and their related applications are an essential part of modern society.

Oral Presentations
There is a great anecdote about how, when NASA joined the space race, they spent millions of dollars developing a pen that would write in zero gravity. They tried pens with tiny pumps, pens that worked with microscopic valves, pens that worked by capillary action. The Russians took pencils. It is important that you use technology to improve your own productivity and not waste time. As an undergraduate student (and beyond), you will regularly be put in a position where you have to deliver presentations to your peers, and to the ECU staff. ICT can be of great benefit in this.

Anderson, J., & Poole, M. (1998). Assignment and thesis writing. Brisbane: John Wiley & Sons.
Liberty: ECU Library Resource Package.Available at:
Turabian, K.L. (1996). A manual for writers of term papers, theses, and dissertations (6th ed). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Displaying and Searching
Viewing and editing
Setting the output style


Personal Computing.. 1
Oral Presentations. 1

Using MS Word for APA tasks is a suitable and accurate website to guide you through how to use Word. Easy to follow instructions is given and tables and diagrams further explain the text.

This website guides you through many things such as deleting hyperlinks, typeface, margins and alignment, alphabetising reference lists, keep headings with text, formatting of paragraphs, page headers and numbers, line spacing, auto formatting, spelling and grammar check, how to avoid irregular spacing, avoiding 'orphan' headings, dot leaders for table of contents, subheadings, customising the toolbar, deleting comments, removing strike through, and how to add your own elements to a document, just to name a few.

This website would be a great guide for learners or begginers to get started on Word.

Graphic File Formats information is based one Adobe Photoshop. This page explains the settings you should have your work saved as for the best quality.

Bitmap is the standard image format for PC's. Savig images as in this format effects the colour and size of the image.

Unlike Bitmap, Compression does not effect the image quality.

GIF is compressed with a maximum of 256 colours, this minimises transfer time as the image will be simplified. Animations and other moving frames should be saved as GIF.

JPEG is used to display internet images.Colour remains at the best quality when images are saved as a JPEG image. Although this setting can reduce the size of the image, the quality remains the same.

This is an example of an image saved as a JPEG image:

TIFF stands for The Tagged-Image File Format, this format is used between computers.

These are the basic file formats as i have discovered by browsing through this website.

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