Monday, April 7, 2008

Week 7: EndNote Libraries

Lecture Summary:
This weeks lecture was based on Endnote. Endnote is a flat-file database system in which you use to reference. Endnote can either run off Microsoft Word, or run as a standalone programme. Information is stored as data in tables, this table is easy to follow and you can look back at references as to where you got information from.

We reference so that other individuals ideas and you own can be distinguished in a piece of work. Their ideas may support your idea, and you support theirs by referencing the source in alphabetical order.

We were told how to start using EndNote and how to work the programme. From how to open the programme, to where to save our file.
Below is an example.

Tutorial Tasks:

Complete the EndNote 11 Excercises for Vista task on blackboard. Give examples of referencing after finding examples. Save a copy of this task and add a screen print to my blog.

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