Monday, May 5, 2008

Week 9: Communications

Lecture Summary:
Today's technology is much more advanced compared to 20 years ago, because of this, the world connects in a completely different way today.

Communication can occur through networks. These networks include, chain networks, wheel
networks, circle networks, and all-channel networks.

Synchronised communication is where all participants of the conversation have to be engaged at the same time. An example of this is a telephone call.

Asynchronous is when participants take their time to reply, it is not a real-time conversation. This would orrur when writing letters.

Place dependant and place independant is where you can either be near someone in the conversation and place independant is where you can be anywere on cyberspace and holdd a conversation.

Some examples of ITC use are, mobile telephone, video and tele-conferencing, ipods, mp3 players, lap-tops, electronic Mail including e-mail and finally, multi-media communications. Examples of why these are positives were explained and discussed.

We were shown how to set up an e-mail correctly and what to put and what not to add to them.

Tutorial Tasks:

This weeks tutorial tasks revolve around finding information on a topic of interest by clicking on the 'groups' tag on google. Look through bulletins and messages posted on this topic and record my findings. Visit a podcast site such as and search for a topic and listen to one or two podcasts that interests me. Browse through the librarys website, Record the potential benefits of podcasts for uni students.


The topic i researched on google under 'groups' was Rihanna. My findings were pages on her clothes, such as an open top she wore and how she was told to leave her cousins wedding because her dress was revealing on the side of her chest. Messages from the public on this issue was that she was being rude taking the attention away from the couple on their special day. Critical remarks are made, bringing up her appearance and her sense of style.

Another issue was that 'Rihanna gets grabby with the girls' Some people support this as it was harmless, saying she a 19 year old girl having fun on the lens. Others say that gays aren't supported in her home town.

I listened to a podcast on Ludacris. It only came up with a song. Although this is all i listened to, university students have benefits with learning from podcasts as they can download them then listen to them whever they can. This could include on public transport, excercising, university breaks,in bed, making dinner, almost anywhere at any time. They can be played over and over agen so that the information sticks in your head. Podcasts are very reliable sources of learning.

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