Monday, May 19, 2008

Week 12: Social & Ethical Issues

Lecture Summary:

Who is Watching you?
This was one of the man points during this lecture. A report was shown about Myspace. This included identifying an individual by looking up or researching the few personal details they present on their personal page about themselves including, full name, star sign and what country or state in which they live. This indicates that information which you chose to present on the internet can be useful for other people and easy for them to look up personal information. There is the option to set your profile to private so that you control who views your page so there is a certain amount of privacy and security. Although websites have warnings on this issue, they do not always appear clear to users.

Why are there problems?
There are many problems related to the internet as characteristics of the internet itself, characteristics of the internet information and characteristics of the internet user are not always correct.

What are the problems?
The problems one the internet as the information being presented is not always correct, it may be bias, anyone can publish information, unethical information and publishers may not be very intelligent.
Other problems include copyright, plagiarism, security intellectual property, privacy and freedom of speech. This plays a huge role in the types of problems on the internet.
Security problems deal with content and password thief, viruses opening attachments on e-mails and downloading unwanted software. Data from one computer can be transmitted to the destination computer.

How to protect yourself
Installing firewall and antivirus software will prevent viruses from attacking your computer. Beware of attachments, the majority of them contain viruses. Understand what spy wear you install as sometimes they contain viruses or are not actually protecting your computer

Academic Misconduct
Edith Cowan University does not accept any form or misconduct. For example, plagiarism, unauthorised collaboration, cheating in examinations, theft of others students work, collusion, inadequate and incorrect referencing, just to name a few. If any of these things take place, there will be a punishment.
Tutorial Tasks:
This weeks tutorial task was to access 5 information sheets on the internet that are written for undergraduates informing them on copyright policies and what is acceptable and what is not. I needed to look for examples of these pages and summarise. Copyright wen it comes to music is also looked up. From this I realised free music downloads are not fait to the musician or song writer themselves, because we don’t pay, the artists don’t have anything to get paid for their work themselves. A guide is to be written on how to protect my PC from viruses.

Tutorial Tasks:

This week was based on copyright codes and conducts. I had to look up and summarise 5 information sheets that are written and aimed at students at undergraduate level.Tutorial. Also, I had to research information on 3 different websites on music and the web. The last part, is to write a guide on how to protect your PC from unwanted viruses and the different causes of these.

Review 5 information sheets on the website
My first information page is named Recording from TV & radio for educational purposes. This revolved around the idea that students can learn greatly by using TV and radio. Information on what you are allowed to record, from where, what you can do with a recorded programme, what cant you do with recordings, information on recordings, copies and communications, keeping records of recording, copying and communication, and moral rights obligations, non-broadcast AV material. The web site sums up with questions and where to find further information.

The second information sheet Special case exception: education, libraries, collections. This information page is a guide for educators rather than for students. The guide includes information needed to know and putting ideas into practice.

Thirdly, copyright update. This information page contains information and a graph on recent updates, this is published 6 times a year so the information presented is current and kept up to date. The graph is easy to follow, it appears to be very clear and precise.

The fourth information sheet is Training materials: legal protection. This sheet contains information on key points such as, who creates training materials, moral rights in relation to work, and information about getting permission to incorporate third party material into training. Information on copyright and what it protects, how long it lasts before it expires, the rights of copyright, who owns copyright training materials, infringement, moral rights and reducing copyright materials. Common questions are presented and answered, and finally, where to find further information on the topic. This page is straight to the point and easy to follow for students at undergraduate level.

Finally, Research or study. This information sheet is aimed at students and other people who generally want to know what’s available to copy for research. Discussed, is what amount of information is available to copy, this is 10%, 10% or words, mages and paragraphs. Definitions of research and study are defined, and lastly, general questions and answers. This guide is clear on what is useful and how much of it.

2. is an informative website on what we need to know about music and the web. Clearly, is the statement that ‘free’ music and downloads, mean that musicians and artists do not get paid. Although these ‘free’ music downloads are great news for us, it is unfair to musicians who are doing their job and not getting paid for it.

Copyright music is only copyright after the appropriate clearances have been made. This lets people reproduce and broadcast their work to the public. Broadcasting covers radio, television and internet.

“The reproduction of a musical work occurs in the process of operating a streaming, on-demand or download service – i.e. uploading a work onto a licensee’s central server and/or downloading onto a user’s hard drive.”
A couple of online licenses are shown, these include AMCOS and APRA. This encourages and makes it easy for users on the internet to download from these servers; webcasters, on-demand music and other services, digital downloads and mobile phone ring tones rather than other ‘free’ ones. Digital downloads and mobile phone ring tones are introduced to show the sited are useable and suitable.

3. A plan to protect myself from attacks on my privacy and security involves, using vista as it is stronger than its users. This is useful as it is actually powerful.
Protecting my PC from viruses is important. I would buy antivirus software to protect my computer from unwanted viruses and bugs. Avoiding pop-ups and unknown sites is a safe move as there is no risk of receiving a virus.
On all Microsoft applications have Macro Virus Protection enabled. Avoid as many macros as possible as it is never safe to run them in a document.
Be aware that emails can contain viruses, open ones you are positive have no viruses. Scams are used such as ‘you have won…, CONGRADULATIONS’ etc. these are all used to get your attention so when you click them you receive a virus.
Microsoft Word can need to be updated, make sure the security emergency is switched on for maximum safety and protection from unwanted viruses.

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