Monday, April 28, 2008

Week 8: Presentation Strategies

Lecture Summary:

After watching this, I had to make a top 10 tips for a good presentation. I decided on the following:

1. Use spell check to avoid any miss spelt words, there's nothing more annoying than seeing miss spelt words and incorrect grammar.

2. Don't overcrowd slides, audiences loose interest.

3. Bullet keypoints, used to make a statement or emphasise something.

4. Don't overcrowd slides, becomes confusing and hard to follow.

5. Use animations wisely, very few, keep the slides interesting.

6. Use the correct colours, basic is always effective, emphasise the text.

7. Use an interesting but legible font, a font that relates to the discussed topic.

8. Show key points so that its easy to follow and remember for the audience. Your talking should emphasise points.

9. Only add images and audio if it relates to the topic otherwise they appear distracting.

10. Transitions should remain the same throughout the entire presentation. If more than one is used the overall presentation looks tacky.

Make the point you are presenting a strong one, keep the audiences attention. Explain points clearly so that the audience support it, not questions it.

Presentations should always be structured clearly. Start by having an introduction, body and conclusion. The conclusion should include a summary of your findings. Structure each section of the presentation clearly, much like that of an essay.

Presenting the presentation is a main point. Use the correct voice level, pitch, speak clearly and at a suitable, easy to follow speed. If this is done well, the audience will be interested and points will clearly get across.

Tutorial Tasks:

This week, the task was to look through a website and state the 'Top 5' strategies that will create an excellent presentation. Create a 6 slide slide show presenting my findings on a low impact PowerPoint presentation.


My Powerpoint presentation on Low Impact presentations.

1. The cover page is plain, includes one image on the topic.
2. The introduction is basic, straight to the point, States what the presentation will cover.

3. The first main slide includes information on Colour.

4. The second slide is on Layout

5. Thirdly, is Text

6. The conclusion (summary) is straight to the point and sums up the entire presentation.

Resource summary on PowerPoint in the Classroom:

This website is made for students. Cartoons lead you through the information to make it more interesting. The information they say is like they are talking to you so they are getting you involved. This is a good way to involve younger students.

Areas such as Meeting PowerPoint, Creating Slides, Making Changes, Adding Images and Charts, Adding Motion, Adding Sound, Timing and Rehearsing, Taking it With You, Tutorials in Print, DEN Home, and Teachers Guide are all included in this site to deliver the best learning experience possible.

The language used is suitable for students and children's education.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Week 7: EndNote Libraries

Lecture Summary:
This weeks lecture was based on Endnote. Endnote is a flat-file database system in which you use to reference. Endnote can either run off Microsoft Word, or run as a standalone programme. Information is stored as data in tables, this table is easy to follow and you can look back at references as to where you got information from.

We reference so that other individuals ideas and you own can be distinguished in a piece of work. Their ideas may support your idea, and you support theirs by referencing the source in alphabetical order.

We were told how to start using EndNote and how to work the programme. From how to open the programme, to where to save our file.
Below is an example.

Tutorial Tasks:

Complete the EndNote 11 Excercises for Vista task on blackboard. Give examples of referencing after finding examples. Save a copy of this task and add a screen print to my blog.