Monday, February 25, 2008

Week 1: Introduction to Computing

Lecture Summary:

Toady's Lecture was an introduction for the semester.
The lecturer was introduced and basic rules were set out, these include, no copying and pasting from existing articles in any work or assignments, unacceptable behaviour by any students will leave individuals punished, no changing of tutorial times is allowed and a basic outline of the semesters work was shown along with the marking grid. This information was very useful and will help me get on track with the work that is expected of me.
Overall, we were told about what is to be expected by each student throughout this semester. The lecturer sounded enthusiastic and made the semester sound very helpful in getting us where we want to be in the future. It was 45 minutes of positive, very useful information that i would be lost without.

Workshop Tasks:

The Workshop Task's for this week included logging onto SIMO and checking my student email address so that i was able to begin creating a blog, i then added the first week of information such as the Lecture Summary, Workshop Tasks, and Readings under the correct titles so that the blog is easy to view and read. We were told that we will need a USB by next week for our work. I then uploaded an image from the internet and added it into my final blog entry.


Today i had to go to and look up something about computers and pick something of interest in relation to computers. I was interested in how a Graphics Card work's. I learnt that the graphics displayed on the monitor are made up of millions of pixels to create an image.

The first step in creating an graphic is a wire frame image outlining the main parts and sections within the image. The empty or hollow he spaces are then filled in and an overall image is completed by adding textures and colour by the Graphics Card.

The Memory, Processor Heatsink, Processor Fan and Motherboard Connection are the four main connections of the Graphics's Card. The CPU connected to the requested software sends information to the Graphics's Card, then the card uses the pixels and created a complete image, this is then sent to the monitor through a cable.

PC Lube and Tune is a service station that deals with tutorials, and education on technical subjects to the large audience of computer users through the internet.

Information on the following is presented in this website:

1. An introduction to PC hardware

2. Exception handling in Java

3. The graphic user interface

4. Computers, videos and high definition television

5. Technical perspective

6. The tragedy of Microsoft and Java

7. Character encoding and Web standards

8. Miscrosoft NET framework

9. Distributed applications and the web

10. Das boot

11. The storm before the COM

12. Introduction to SNA

13. Introduction to TCP/IP

14. Introduction to APPC

15. Ethernet

The website www.howstuff is a suitable site to look up accurate information on a specific topic. This website informs us on technology and computers. Everything you need to know is stated on here from the basics such as the parts of a computer to how memory cards work. The information is precise and images and graphics are used to further explain the topic. A very educational website!